2012년 4월 18일 수요일

Art 21

Season 1  2001 [Place]
By Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson was born in Chicago in 1947
When I saw this performance at the first time, it was very impressive to me because this performance did not have restriction of space. She performed it everywhere, but this was good surprise and wonderful performance. She used just a movable couch, but effect of this performance was shocking.

Season 2  2003 [Time]
By Tim Hawkinson
Tim Hawkinson was born in San Francisco, California, in 1960.
It looked like weird because I could remind a boy who had surgery. However, it was interesting when it moved each part of face. It appeared specific movement, so his artwork was lifelike. He combined an artwork with machine, so it was not same image every second.

Season 3  2005 [Power]
By Ida Applebroog
Ida Applebroog was born in the Bronx, New York, in 1929
It was like a story and comic book because we could see the artwork from left to right. When we saw the artwork from left to right, the artwork had something lifelike because the artwork was changed by our view. She expressed our social problem and story through her artwork.

 Season 4  2007 [Romance]
By Laurie Simmons
Laurie Simmons was born on Long Island, New York, in 1949.
It was like a musical. She was a superintendent to make a story and performance. It was interesting it could be a part of contemporary arts. She expressed the theme to a musical.

 Season 5  2009 [Fantasy]
By Jeff Koons
Jeff Koons was born in 1955 in York
He had a collaboration to make his artwork because his artwork should be spent a lot of time. He expressed his theme to sculptures. This sculpture had a symbol and his intention. His artwork was not limited materials. He used a lot of material to express his intention.

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