I went to National Museum of Mexican Art
with my project members who are Angie and Cristina. There was not far from our
school. We could take a train that was pink line and the train passed 6 stops. National
Museum of Mexican Art is one of the largest Mexican art museums in Chicago. The
museum was displayed over 7000 objects and there was categorized by Pre-cauhtemoc,
ephemera, textile, Prints and drawings, Photography, and
sculptures. However, there was not big museum that has just 3 rooms which was
main gallery (LA FIESTA) and two sub galleries (KEPPERS, MARDONIO MARGANA, and MEXICANIDAD) for the exhibition. One of the the
most impressice art work was about familly. It seems like various form of
familly. Angie said to me that mexican can divide to areas and they have a lot
of forms of family and cultures. I was very impressed about that because even
though many countries have huge territory, they have similar form of cultures
beacaus of one country. Our group project was very interesting experience for
me because I could know that most maxican arts are about background of their
life and custom.
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